“If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entice you, saying“ Let us go and worship other gods’’ Deu 13:6
Here it emphasize how crucial it is for us to have our faith ONLY in our Lord God. He shall be our only god that we worship now and forever. If you do turn away from God and worship other God, God has no mercy. There will be consequences that comes along with the disobedience. This section shows how we should always obey God regardless of the circumstances that includes closest people in our lives. Always LOVE the Lord your God with all our heart.
>>> A Side Note I found in my bible that we can all consider/ponder: How can we love when we don’t feel loving? In the Bible Love is more than a feeling; it is a decision to serve another person’s interest. Only through God’s help can this decision be made with “all your heart” I just found that inspiring :)
“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Out of the people on the face of the earth, the Lord has chosen you yo be his treasured possession.” Deu 14:2
Is in it amazing how God thought of each one of us before we were here on this earth. He had plans for us because we are his treasured possession. Wow treasured possession, huh, that's how SIGNIFICANT we are to God (beyond words). God loves us so much, so he thought for us before we thought for ourselves; what is good(clean) and not good(unclean) foods to eat. Our God is so smart, he had strategies on how to go about in making his people live up to his expectations (or should I say fruitful). Whether we live to his expectations is in our hands [don't you think?]
“Be sure to set aside a tenth of all your fields produce each year.” Deu 14:22
Tithes; no matter how successful we may or may not be we should always remember to give back to those who are in need for the sake of GOD. Do we take set aside tenth of our earnings or offerings and take it where our heart desires? Is it where God wants it to be? Is it a place we worship our God(Church)?
“Determine the distances involved and divide into three parts the land the Lord your god is giving you as an inheritance, so that anyone who kills a man may flee there.” Deu 19:3
You would think it's a ridiculous idea to divide the cities into three parts. One area is for those to flee to who has killed unintentionally. Why is that so? Why couldn't justice be done there where the crime was done? Even though it written later; for those who do commit murder intentionally and flee to the far city, they will be brought back for justice. I'm still curious why divide the cities? But then again it's God's will.
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