Monday, April 30, 2012

በአማርኛ መፃፍ  ለምትፈልጉሁ ወንድሞች ና እህቶች እንዴት መፃፍ እንደሚትችሉ ላሳያቸሁ

link to Amharic Bible with audio.
ኦሪት ዘፍጥረት ምዕራፍ 28 1 ይስሐቅም ያዕቆብን ጠራው፥ ባረከውም፥ እንዲህ ብሎም አዘዘው። ከከነዓናውያን ሴቶች ልጆች ሚስትን አታግባ፤ 2 ተነሣና ወደ እናትህ አባት ወደ ባቱኤል ቤት ወደ ሁለቱ ወንዞች መካከል ሂድ፤ ከዚያም ከእናትህ ወንድም ከላባ ሴቶች ልጆች ሚስትን አግባ። 3 ሁሉን የሚችል አምላክም ለብዙ ሕዝብ ጉባኤ እንድትሆን ይባርክህ፥ ያፍራህ፥ ያብዛህ፤ 4 ስደተኛ ሆነህ የተቀመጥህባትን እግዚአብሔርም ለአብርሃም የሰጣትን ምድር ትወርስ ዘንድ የአብርሃምን በርከት ለአንተ ይስጥህ፥ ለዘርህም እንዲሁ እንደ አንተ። 5 ይስሐቅም ያዕቆብን ሰደደው፥ እርሱም የያዕቆብና የዔሳው እናት የርብቃ ወንድም የሚሆን የሶርያዊ ባቱኤል ልጅ ላባ ወዳለበት ወደ ሁለቱ ወንዞች መካከል ሄደ። 6 ዔሳውም ይስሐቅ ያዕቆብን እንደ ባረከው ባየ ጊዜ፥ ከዚያም ሚስትን ያገባ ዘንድ ወደ ሁለት ወንዞች መካካል እንደ ሰደደው፥ በባረከውም ጊዜ። ከከነዓን ሴቶች ልጆች ሚስትን አታግባ ብሎ እንዳዘዘው፥ 7 ያዕቆብም የአባቱንና የእናቱን ቃል ሰምቶ ወደ ሁለቱ ወንዞች መካከል እንደሄደ፥ 8 የከነዓናውያንም ሴቶች ልጆች በአባቱ በይስሐቅ ፊት የተጠሉ እንደሆኑ ዔሳው ባየ ጊዜ፥ 9 ዔሳው ወደ እስማኤል ሄደ፥ ማዕሌትንም በፊት ካሉት ሚስቶቹ ጋር ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ አገባ፤ እርስዋም የአብርሃም ልጅ የሆነ የእስማኤል ልጅና የነባዮት እኅት ናት። 10 ያዕቆብም ከቤርሳቤህ ወጥቶ ወደ ካራን ሄደ። 11 ወደ አንድ ስፍራም ደረሰ፥ ፀሐይም ጠልቃ ነበርና ከዚያ አደረ፤ በዚያም ስፍራ ድንጋይ አነሣ፥ ከራሱም በታች ተንተርሶ በዚያ ስፍራ ተኛ። 12 ሕልምም አለመ፤ እነሆም መሰላል በምድር ላይ ተተክሎ፥ ራሱም ወደ ሰማይ ደርሶ፥ እነሆም የእግዚአብሔር መላእክት ይወጡበት ይወርዱበት ነበር። 13 እነሆም፥ እግዚአብሔር በላይ ቆሞበት ነበር፥ እንዲህም አለ። የአባትህ የአብርሃም አምላክ የይስሐቅም አምላክ እኔ እግዚአብሔር ነኝ፤ ይህችን አንተ የተኛህባትን ምድር ለአንተም ለዘርህም እሰጣለሁ፤ 14 ዘርህም እንደ ምድር አሸዋ ይሆናል፤ እስከ ምዕራብና እስከ ምሥራቅ እስከ ሰሜንና እስከ ደቡብ ትስፋፋለህ፤ የምድርም አሕዛብ ሁሉ በአንተ በዘርህም ይባረካሉ። 15 እነሆም እኔ ከአንተ ጋር ነኝ፥ በምትሄድባትም መንገድ ሁሉ እጠብቅሃለሁ፥ ወደዚችም ምድር እመልስሃለሁ፤ የነገርሁህን ሁሉ እስካደርግልህ ድረስ አልተውህምና። 16 ያዕቆብም ከእንቅልፉ ተነሥቶ። በእውነት እግዚአብሔር በዚህ ስፍራ ነው፤ እኔ አላወቅሁም ነበር አለ። 17 ፈራ፥ እንዲህም አለ። ይህ ስፍራ እንዴት ያስፈራ፤ ይህ ስፍራ የእግዚአብሔር ቤት ነው እንጂ ሌላ አይደለም፤ ይህም የሰማይ ደጅ ነው። 18 ያዕቆብም ማልዶ ተነሣ፥ ተንተርሶት የነበረውንም ድንጋይ ወስዶ ሐውልት አድርጎ አቆመው፥ በላዩም ዘይትን አፈሰሰበት። 19 ያዕቆብም ያንን ስፍራ ቤቴል ብሎ ጠራው፤ አስቀድሞ ግን የዚያች ከተማ ስም ሎዛ ነበረ። 20 ያዕቆብም እንዲህ ብሎ ስእለት ተሳለ። እግዚአብሔር ከእኔ ጋር ቢሆን፥ በምሄድባትም በዚች መንገድ ቢጠብቀኝ፥ የምበላውንም እንጀራ የምለብሰውንም ልብስ ቢሰጠኝ፥ 21 ወደ አባቴ ቤትም በጤና ብመለስ፥ እግዚአብሔር አምላኬ ይሆንልኛል፤ 22 ለሐውልት የተከልሁት ይህም ድንጋይ የእግዚአብሔር ቤት ይሆናል፤ ከሰጠኸኝም ሁሉ ለአንተ ከአሥር እጅ አንዱን እሰጥሃለሁ። a

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Hi guys hope you had a wonderful week. I noticed that I made error on the daily reading chart starting today. I have Genesis 24-27 two times for Saturday and Sunday. Please go ahead and read the next reading and I will correct the error and update it.

God's blessings to you, and will see you at Church.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Hi guys,

I am thinking about visiting the Creation museum next week, God willing. Eden has been there last time with us. It is a great experiance. Please look it up and let me know if you guys will be able to go. I think it takes 3.5 hr drive.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The reading plan

I have the link for the reading plan, however. We will be reading one Book at a time. Our first text would be Genesis, and then Matthew... Please look at the second column only for the reading of Genesis.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Genesis 16-19

In this section of Genesis, what I have gathered is that one can never undermine Gods work. Sarah doubted Gods will to bear her a child and took matters into her own hands. She gave her husband Hagar who is able to fulfill what she could not accomplish. At the end God does come above all, even when it’s hard to believe so. Biologically, Sarah could not bear a child at her age. Through God anything is possible and just believing in him through thin and think can overcome any obstacle like the one Sarah and Abraham went through. 

God Bless!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Commentary for chapter 15

Hi guys, I use website a lot. They have great resources for study. I have posted a Matthew Henry's commentary on Chapter 15.


Commentary for chapter 15

Matthew Henry's Whole Bible Commentary
Chapter 15

In this chapter we have a solemn treaty between God and Abram concerning a covenant that was to be established between them. In the former chapter we had Abram in the field with Kings; here we find him in the mount with God; and, though there he looked great, yet, methinks, here he looks much greater: that honour have the great men of the world, but "this honour have all the saints." The covenant to be settled between God and Abram was a covenant of promises; accordingly, here is, I. A general assurance of God's kindness and good-will to Abram (v. 1). II. A particular declaration of the purposes of his love concerning him, in two things:-1. That he would give him a numerous issue (v. 2-6). 2. That he would give him Canaan for an inheritance (v. 7-21). Either an estate without an heir, or an heir without an estate, would have been but a half comfort to Abram. But God ensures both to him; and that which made these two, the promised seed and the promised land, comforts indeed to this great believer was that they were both typical of those two invaluable blessings, Christ and heaven; and so we have reason to think, Abram eyed them.
Verse 1
Observe here, I. The time when God made this treaty with Abram: After these things. 1. After that famous act of generous charity which Abram had done, in rescuing his friends and neighbours out of distress, and that, not for price nor reward. After this, God made him this gracious visit. Note, Those that show favour to men shall find favour with God. 2. After that victory which he had obtained over four kings. Lest Abram should be too much elevated and pleased with that, God comes to him, to tell him he had better things in store for him. Note, A believing converse with Spiritual blessings is an excellent means to keep us from being too much taken up with temporal enjoyments. The gifts of common providence are not comparable to those of covenant love.
II. The manner in which God conversed with Abram: The word of the Lord came unto Abram (that is, God manifested himself and his will to Abram) in a vision, which supposes Abram awake, and some visible appearances of the Shechinah, or some sensible token of the presence of the divine glory. Note, The methods of divine revelation are adapted to our state in a world of sense.
III. The gracious assurance God gave him of his favour to him.
1. He called him by name-Abram, which was a great honour to him, and made his name great, and was also a great encouragement and assistance to his faith. Note, God's good word does us good when it is spoken by his Spirit to us in particular, and brought to our hearts. The word says, Ho, every one (Isa. 55:1), the Spirit says, Ho, such a one.
2. He cautioned him against being disquieted and confounded: Fear not, Abram. Abram might fear lest the four kings he had routed should rally again, and fall upon him to his ruin: "No," says God, "Fear not. Fear not their revenges, nor thy neighbour's envy; I will take care of thee." Note, (1.) Where there is great faith, yet there may be many fears, 2 Co. 7:5. (2.) God takes cognizance of his people's fears though ever so secret, and knows their souls, Ps. 31:7. (3.) It is the will of God that his people should not give way to prevailing fears, whatever happens. Let the sinners in Sion be afraid, but fear not, Abram.
3. He assured him of safety and happiness, that he should for ever be, (1.) As safe as God himself could keep him: I am thy shield, or, somewhat more emphatically, I am a shield to thee, present with thee, actually caring for thee. See 1 Chr. 17:24. Not only the God of Israel, but a God to Israel. Note, The consideration of this, that God himself is, and will be, a shield to his people to secure them from all destructive evils, a shield ready to them and a shield round about them, should be sufficient to silence all their perplexing tormenting fears. (2.) As happy as God himself could make him: I will be thy exceedingly great reward; not only thy rewarder, but thy reward. Abram had generously refused the rewards which the king of Sodom offered him, and here God comes, and tells him he shall be no loser by it. Note, [1.] The rewards of believing obedience and self-denial are exceedingly great, 1 Co. 2:9. [2.] God himself is the chosen and promised felicity of holy souls-chosen in this world, promised in a better. He is the portion of their inheritance and their cup.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Genesis 2

7the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Other related scriptures:

Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

This is what sets us apart from other animals. God made us from the dust of the ground and He breathed in us which gave us life. I like Dr. Monroe’s explanation of why we need to stick with God. For something to sustains it's life, it needs to stick with whatever thing it originated from.  For example when God created the fish, he spoke to the sea to bring forth animals that lives in water, and God spoke to the ground when he created animals that lives in the dry land. Now, the sea animals need to stay in the water otherwise they loose their life, so does the animals of the dry land. To sustain their life they live and eat what the ground or the sea produces. Now when we come to man, we were created from the ground, we eat the product of the land, but unlike the , other animals we need to commune with God as well. Otherwise we are dead in our spirit, that is why when we receive Jesus we are born again, or now we are new creatures. Therefore, please don’t starve your spirit. As we eat several times in a day or at least one or two times. Let us take time to nourish our spirit, with reading His word, praying, taking time to listen to God and share His goodness with others.

As I was meditating on this idea I came across great devotionals. One was a daily devotional, and the concept complements to what we are reading. God is teaching us, I want you to take time to read them.

God bless you and be strong.

As his breath gave life to the lifeless being, and also in Ezekiel to the bones, expose yourself to His word daily. Even at times you may feel dry like the bones, because He is the life giving God.

Related Scriptures:
Ezekiel 37:5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.

Mat 4:4 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

John 15:4-5
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."

Please read the following devotional it is very powerful. It is about the importance of prayer. The other devotional I mentioned I think I have to post it directly soon.

Also what do you think if each of us take one chapter and comment on that? What would be a best way to keep us involved?
Have you sent invitation to Eden please?
Would you send invitation for the following people:
"Tselane Sebatane",,

Okay, guys the following post is from Sunday. I noted down some other resources and what I learned from Sunday. Sorry that I didn't post it on Sunday, but it is better than late.

Here are few points that I learned from

Genesis 1:

-God created everything.

Something I learned from His work:

-“God said, ….and it was so” – His promises are always true, whatever He said it will come to pass. These help us not to doubt God, and believe His Word/Promises with our full heart. May God help us to be a person who follows through our word.

-Thought He is God and He created the Universe, He created different things on different days, there was a gap between them, there was a plan, and also evaluation of His work. (“God saw that it was good.” But one time it states that He saw that it was not good that for a man to be alone and He created a companion for Him. From these I learned to be patient on my daily task, to plan, to do excellent job, to evaluate what I did, fix if something is not good, and also take rest. When I say let us do excellent job, for example it stated that God created us food, but they not only are safe to eat, but they are pleasant for our eyes too, is it not excellent?
Other things I learned:

-Trinity, a verse where God addressed Himself as ‘Us’ : 26Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”

-How God loves us so much and He created in His image and created us all these things. Even He did all that we still thought we were missing out something and disobeyed Him. Can you imagine if you do something great for someone and that person do not trust you. God loves you and me, He even loved us to redeem us from our fall through Jesus’ death.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

 Genesis 2 

-The devil is a liar, and deceiver. Though Adam and Eve were created in God’s image and they are already like God, but he made them think there is something better for them in disobedience. We may not able to understand why God tell us not to do something, but we need to trust Him. The consequence is great. It is like for example when I tell Kayo not to touch something that harms him, he sometimes cries, and get mad at me. If I try to explain my reasons he does not have the capacity to understand. So fear of God and obedience is wisdom.  

 I have to take care of somethings...but have one more idea...blessings ( I am not behind on the reading...but posinting them :-)